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Pay Per Click

At luxveller, we’re on a mission to trim the fat and make sure your paid search strategy gives back more than it takes. Every campaign we launch delivers returns on investment you simply can’t find elsewhere.
And, because we optimize each campaign daily, we’re always two steps ahead of the game. It is a very common question that What is Pay-Per-Click (PPC)? Pay-Per-Click is also known as Google AdWords. There are more opportunities today to reach your customers and prospects than ever before. At the same time, there’s more competition. Results pages and social media platforms are flooded with content. Millions of blogs, videos, and graphics are published every single minute. This information overload makes it harder than ever to get your message in front of the people who matter most. Unless you use paid search.
Paid search campaigns allow you to target your audiences (based on who there are, where they live, what their interests are, and more) and guarantee that your message hits its mark.
The foundation of our paid search campaigns is data. Before we even brainstorm a strategy, we pore through market research and we get to understand our clients’ short-term and long-term goals. Once campaigns are launched, we monitor results daily and adjust strategies when needed, to ensure our clients get the best possible return. The luxveller team uses cutting-edge technology and platforms to deliver impressive results. But sometimes, the technology we need to get the job done doesn’t exist yet. So, we invent it. Now, thanks to this platform, we can adjust paid campaigns within each location, based on performance, trends, and more. Data and technology are key to any successful paid campaign. But you’ll never enjoy long-term success if you don’t have a partner wholly invested in your success.
At luxveller, we pride ourselves on our attention to detail. Our project management team responds to client requests within few minutes. We know time is money – and we hate to waste either of them. The paid search is a real-time strategy. We think you deserve to know what’s happening with your campaigns, every step of the way. Our proprietary platform helps keep you in the know, and our hands-on project management team delivers reports whenever necessary.

PPC Advertising

PPC or Pay Per Click is a web advertising model where, as the name suggests, advertisers pay each time a targeted customer clicks on one of their ads. There are numerous types of PPC ads out there but arguably the most popular type is paid search ads. This type of paid ad is displayed whenever users search for a product or service online through a search engine such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. The queries could be anything from a mobile search (Chinese food “near me”) to a local service search (plumbers, electricians) to someone shopping for a gift (“wedding gift”). These queries trigger PPC advertising. In PPC advertising, businesses that are running a campaign will only pay when a user clicks an ad and visits the website.

Frequently Asked Questions :

1. How much does pay per click pay ?

One very common misconception about PPC has something to do about its cost. Many people believe that you need a lot of money to succeed in PPC advertising. That’s not the case at all. Sure, you’ll end up wasting a lot of money if you’re not careful about how you spend your budget but with the right strategy, you can optimize your campaigns every month. This is why it’s best to hire a professional PPC team to help to optimize your advertising campaign in the most cost-efficient way.

2. Who can use pay per click ?

One of the best benefits of PPC channels such as Google Ads is the wealth of options that are available to you for reaching potential customers. Sure, the default campaign settings have their nuances but ultimately, you’re in control. For starters, you are free to choose the keywords or placements to target and their restrictions. Also, new business owners need not worry because PPC offers great flexibility, even if you want to start small. You’re free to set a budget and how much money to bid for each target keyword. You’re free to spend whatever you want. If you want to change anything from your campaign, you can do so in real-time. For instance, you can scale up immediately if you’re seeing positive results. If you want to take a break from your PPC campaign, you can simply pause and your ads will stop showing, and so is your ad spend.

3. Is PPC expensive ?

Advertisers participate in the auction by indicating the maximum amount they are prepared to pay for one click on their ad – and under this system, the higher the amount bid, the greater the chance of securing a good advertising space. To determine who gets the best advertising space, Google calculates a value by assessing each bid amount in combination with other factors. Though a higher bid does improve the chances of success, the price an advertiser is willing to pay is not the only factor taken into account. Google’s Quality Score, as well as the keyword and the environment in which the product is being advertised, will also influence the placement of the advertising.

4. Does Pay Per Click work ?

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a broad category, which includes a wide variety of platforms and mediums. However, most kinds of PPC ad campaigns can fit into one of two categories: Google Ads and Social Media Advertising.
Google Search Ads are perhaps the most commonly recognized form of pay-per-click advertisements. These ads are displayed above or beside Google search results in response to what a user search. So, if someone searches for the product or service you offer, your ad can be the first thing they see; but, through the PPC model, you only have to pay when they click on that ad. Local Search Ads are not a separate type of PPC advertisement; rather, they are a specialized subset of the standard Search Ads.

Pay Per Click
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