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Web Analytics

Web analytics is defined as the collection, reporting, and analysis of website data. In short, web analytics allows you to see how your website is performing and how people are acting whilst on your website.

What is Web Analytics ?

Web analytics technologies are usually categorized into on-site and off-site web analytics. On-site web analytics refers to data collection on the current site. It is used to effectively measure many aspects of direct user-website interactions, including the number of visits, time on site, click path, etc. Off-site analytics is usually offered by companies who have legit experience in the field which is none other than luxvellerMedia. It includes data from other sources such as surveys, market reports, competitor comparison, public information, etc. Let us show you an overview of on-site web analytics, with a focus on categorizing and explaining data, sources, collection methods, metrics, and analysis methods.

Off-Site Web Analytics

This feature refers to measurement and analysis of the web whether you maintain or own a website. It includes the opportunity or the measurement of the potential audience of the website, visibility or the share of voice, and comments regarding what’s happening on the Internet.

On-Site Web Analytics

This aspect measures the journey of the visitors to your website. This consists of conversions and drivers. Example: which landing pages are encouraging the people to make the purchase. It measures the website’s performance in the commercial context. The data is compared with key performance indicators for the performance and is used to market the audience’s response to the campaign and to improve a website. That is one of the most important aspects of the online growth of your business.
Various vendors provide software and services to on-site web analytics but we at luxvellerMedia, are the most trustworthy ones to facilitate you with its services. There are two technological approaches in collecting data: logfile analysis and page tagging. In log file analysis, the log files are read wherein the web server records its transactions. In page tagging, it uses JavaScript on every page so that a third-party server is notified when a page is executed by a web browser. Both data collection can be processed by producing reports for web traffic.

How Web Analytics can help us in our business ?

There are 3 key things a solid understanding of Analytics allows you to do as a marketer/business; Measure, Adapt and Develop.

  1. Measure : When it comes to measuring website activity it is easy to just look at traffic numbers as we did back in the old days of the internet with the classic page counter but with analytics, you are able to measure success in the same way you would any campaign or project with set target-driven goals.
    One can set specific goals that allow you to measure the targets vs. the visitor numbers heading to the site in general and therefore measure the success of online campaigns as well as the site in general.
  2. Adapt : Once the goals are set in place and the site failings and successes are accurately measured, you will be given the information you need to help improve the site in small ways by adapting what you currently have, in order to improve the site and help you to achieve those goals you have set for the business.
    Firstly, you can look at the flow of your site. Where are your visitors landing? Where are they going and Where are they leaving? Once you look at these elements you are able to understand how people use your website and answer the most important question of all is those visitors getting to where you want them to be? Are you achieving your goals?
    If the answers to those final questions are either no or yes but we could be doing more the flow will help you to determine where you can place calls to Action targeting key traffic-heavy pages to guide the flow towards those target pages.
    You can also use your analytic data to adapt to new technologies by seeing what devices your visitors are visiting your site from. Do you need to look at developing a mobile or reactive site due to the about of mobile/tablet visits you are getting? Is your site speed slower on certain browsers? The answers to those questions are available with us once you join hands with luxvellerMedia. We will help you create a more successful and better web experience for your visitors.
    1. Develop : The analytics will allow you as a business to develop an effective digital strategy and also add new elements to your overall marketing/business strategy in the future.
      The analytical data can also yield some interesting geographical demographic information on your site visitors which could, in turn, affect your overall marketing strategy. Analytical systems can tell you which regions and cities/towns your visitors are visiting from which opens up new questions and possibilities for your business.
      Developing your online and marketing strategies analytics does help you discover possibilities you may not have thought about without the information at your fingertips which is always a great way to help your business grow and develop into the future and we are here to do that for you.

Web Analytics and Its 10 Benefits

The reports from the analytics tools allow us marketers to understand user interactions such as the length of time they were on the site, which pages they visited, and if they clicked on links or filled out forms.

In general, you’ll see these types of raw data in your web analytics reports –

  1. Web Traffic : The number of incoming and outgoing website visitors you receive within a given time period.
  2. Views : The number of times a page has been viewed.
  3. Clicks : The number of times a link has been clicked.
  4. Unique visitors : First-time visitors to your website per day, per week, or month.
  5. Comparisons : Weekly or Monthly performances can be compared and analyzed for further business strategies.
  6. Website Engagement : It will indicate how long the person stays on the website and preferably consumes which content the most.
  7. Bounce rate : Seen often in Google Analytics, the percentage of visitors that leave the site quickly without interacting contributes to the bounce rate.
  8. Conversion rate : The rate of visitors making purchases from your site, signing up for newsletters, or subscribing to a service.
  9. Organic traffic : Visitors that arrive at your website directly from a search engine and not from social media or other blogs.
  10. Direct traffic : Visitors that come to your website by going to your address directly and not from a search engine.

The Importance of Web Analytics in Digital Marketing ?

A strong online presence can be the key to a business’s growth with increased exposure and better communication with potential and current customers alike, but what is the point of a fancy website and lots of online activity without a carefully thought-out strategy? How can you develop a strategy without accurate and up-to-date analysis to help the business? This is where web analytics come in and these all are the parts ofDigital Marketing.
Web analytics allows us to set key performance indicators (KPIs) or benchmarks to measure the level of success of the various elements of the website for the better functioning of your business, including calls to action (CTA), subscription options, or form sign-ups.

Web Analytics
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